Archive for ◊ March, 2008 ◊

• Thursday, March 06th, 2008

The 24 episode adaptation and 8 volume manga make the series Bokurano. The director of the anime didn’t like the ending to the manga, so he was given permission to change it as long as it wasn’t magical. This mecha is more a drama about humanity more than anything. Each kid dies after they pilot the mystery mech that they use to fight the invading mechs. With each death, one of the lights on the mech goes out. The ending parts that reveal why they’re fighting is truely sad. Don’t Wiki it.

Oh! Edo Rocket
Character have blue outlines, the story is about sending a girl to the moon, there are many exaggerated characters, and it’s all based on a play. Nobody watched it.

Ookiku FuriKabutte
Baseball anime is an instant hit. Two boys do very well in baseball in middle school. However they move on to high school where they have a new manager of the team. Someone they’re not already close to. Friends, gaining confidence, and becoming worthy.

Doujin Work
An anime based on a manga about getting a girl into the doujin world. Conventions, learning to draw such manga, and…she tends to be the loud character.
Other good mentions would be Tales of Symphonia, Potemayo, and perhaps Ghost Hound.

• Sunday, March 02nd, 2008

I have seen many posts proclaiming distaste for Lucky Star calling it all sorts of colourful names. I personaly loved this show as it poked fun at anime lovers and other culture aspects. For those who don’t already know, Lucky Star was produced by Kyoto Animation which was responsible for the massive hit, The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya. Due to this, there are many Haruhi refrences throughout Lucky Star often as a result of Konata, 1 of the characters in the show. Both Haruhi and Konata even have the same voice actor, Aya Hirano, so it should come as little shock when Konata’s friends show up to her work in a cosplay cafe to find her dressed as Haruhi.

While undoubtibly 1 of the best moments of the show, figure designers Max Factory have taken this moment to design what I believe to be the best cross-over item ever. Konata dressed as Haruhi in their Figma range. If that wasn’t enough, they thought it would be fun or something to only make 5000 of these and release them only at Wonderfest ’08. As to be expected of such a popular and rare item, many poped up on ebay and I watched them sell for over $200 US each. Pretty crazy considering that the actual cost of these figures at the festivel was only around $25 US.

Perhaps I was just lucky (no pun intended) but last night I was able to snatch 1 of these for under $100. Still expensive for a figure but being an otaku isn’t cheap as every collector knows all too well. So as the title of this post says, Best. Item. Ever.

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