Archive for ◊ May, 2008 ◊

• Thursday, May 15th, 2008

Tegami Bachi volume 4 has been release in Japan this month. This manga just might be animated if it keeps going.

One of the only Tegami Bachi related videos on Youtube was removed, even though it was just some manga scans and music.

• Tuesday, May 06th, 2008

Would you like some shabo? It’s shabo. Shabo must be a toy of some sort. The character who sells is Chroniko and she plans to not use her body anymore. Selling it to help her family and someday have enough money to leave the planet. She’s lucky that someone that wants it is wealthy, perhaps going to use it for himself, to be younger, or for their daughter. Pick one that’s the most disturbing and that should be the right answer. Kaiba is being a bit one sided, though. What about all the people who get nicer bodies and pleasent memories of talented people?
Chroniko’s family hasn’t been doing so well, leading to here having to be sold. The person doing the operation at the last minute makes it so she can’t do anything about the situation and releases her memories out to be never used again. The body is then transported, stolen, and only to be taken over by the hippo. During his time in her body he overhears the aunt’s very private words, but after stepping inside her memories (when sleeping) it’s shown the pleasent to more current awful time the aunt was having keeping everything together.

Hippo is Warp? Warp is Kaiba?

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• Saturday, May 03rd, 2008

The second episode further shows how sad life can be when you’re not privileged. You’re on a large luxury ship that travels to every planet. A certain area of the ship exploded, causing the memories of hundreds of thousands of people to leak out into space. You’d think that would be the most protected area of the ship. Neiro, the female lead plays a big role starting in this episode. She’s from an organization against all the memory manipulation. It’s surely doesn’t have support from the government. Kaiba is also a bit perverted, a slight nudity scene, sexual undertones, and a perverted guard. Go watch.

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• Saturday, May 03rd, 2008

My first real Photoshop attempt is coloring of manga. A bit of a simple style, but hopefully later on textures and such can be added. For now there’s these. They’re from the manga Tegami Bachi (Letter Bee). A shounen fantasy series with characters who’s duty is to deliver mail to people in a world of eternal dusk.
Letter Bee avatarLetter Bee avatarLetter Bee avatar
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