• Wednesday, November 28th, 2007
Interesting how an anime where you expect to be serious and dark would have the main gang animated like Casper the friendly ghost Their ears and insides don’t help. Having eyes from above looked fine, but not this. The animation quality also seems a bit lower in Ghost Hound after the second episode. Since this is from early episodes, it’s not likely a spoiler.

Wish Ghost Hound goes further into showing the bully side of Masayuki in current time. Just love it. Hey, maybe he can go kill the creepy people at Makoto’s place. Still hope, I’m nearly caught up with the series.

In gaming news. Tecmo is releasing more about the new Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox 360. A real sequal this time and not a port, though it’ll likely be ported to the PS3…
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• Monday, November 26th, 2007
Taro is your future local homeless drunky. Face it, he has sake all around him at home, pale, and is dealing with trauma. You can’t hold a job if you keep falling asleep. Poor future businessman Masayuki Nakajima will have to walk by Taro often on the streets. Likely randomly around the town with Taro looking bellow like he normally does. Then again, Makoto will probably move again before such.
Amazing how well Production IG animates Taro. Nearly every part with him, his hair is either moving or his emotions show well.
Enjoy the many faces of depression.

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• Sunday, November 25th, 2007
Fansub groups have it the worst. Companies send out letters and emails about how they should stop and small sites uploading the episodes they subbed as their own. Okay true, it’s not as though the anime they subbed is actually theirs to begin with useally, but having people pay for direct downloads of your torrented content and DDoS attacks isn’t nice. Must be even worst to have parent companies of GONZO and others make news about your dirty hobby. Anime has gotten so big to where the whole Western companies look at torrent trends to know what series to pick up saying is now useless. The just trying it out to see if I like it and I buy it if I like it is dead. Yes, fansub groups are a big global threat. Your torrent client likely shows Japanese also downloading the stuff you are. I support fansub groups though, as they give subs to anime that likely would have never be released in my country. Surely people in areas where they have a very tiny anime industry, they love to be able to watch anime as well.
Rumors of Super Mario RPG by SquareEnix for the Nintendo DS are brewing.
Adventura by Del Ray is to be released on the 30th of this month. So stop going to the same bookstore waiting for it. That far in the month, anime news sites and magazines should include reviews for it next month.

Fansub and scanlation group Eval Powar is active again. Mysterious Girlfriend X is their current project. There’s something similar between the manga they pick. Rise R, Beyond the Beyond, Shakugan no Shana, Elemental Gelade, and now MGX. It must be the boy with powerful girl thing.
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• Saturday, November 24th, 2007
Jura again. Delays and more delays. The skin for the forum and the radio have not been done. Not to mention activity is low, lack of interest in contests, and little has been added to our downloads area. Still haven’t gotten to a scanlation group and creating other sites for gaining more activity. We’re not going anywhere, I’m aware of the situation.
Shounen ai series Kaoru-kun has been picked up by Trine Scanlations.
A teen in the US is in some deep trouble after her school discovers her Death Note book. Nice to have a few days off from school, but they’ll likely have her see a head docter or two.
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• Wednesday, October 10th, 2007
Taro Komori at the age of three years was kidnapped along with his sister. The event left Taro with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and his sister dead. The spirituality part comes to play when Taro’s soul leaves his body into different worlds and dimensions. Along with a few other local kids that also are having similar experiences, Taro has to save his world from the spirit world. What’s kept the two worlds separate is becoming no more. Taro Komori, Makoto Ogami, and Masayuki Nakajima will likely be shown to not share the same views. Taro will likely come into contact with his sister again. Other characters include the witch doctor who is the grandparent of Makoto and the worried Miyako Komagusu. Ghost Hound is also known as Shinreigari and with Masamune Shirow leading the way along with the other well respected staff, this anime will be a fancy way to celebrate the anniversary of Production I.G. Especiallly with character designs by Mariko Oka.
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• Wednesday, September 12th, 2007
ADV has issues. They’ve dropped some rather great manga. R2 and Gamerz Heaven were great choices for them to publish, though true they aren’t that known. Only volume one of Rise R to the Second Power ( R2 ) and just the couple first volumes of Gamerz Heaven. Makes one wonder if the same will happen to Lagoon Engine Einsatz. Another publisher would have to take over and it may not have the nice square shape that volume 1 had. The art to R2 is nice, though a bit too clean. R2 is also pretty rare to find as you won’t find this in more bookstores and likely a lot of online stores. You’d have to order it or Ebay it. It’s technically out of print. There is the site ( EvalPowar ) that did scanlations for it, but their scan group is pretty much dead. The site remains and you can direct download it from them, since all their torrents have also died. I’ll go chapter by chapter later this week of the first volume and write about such. Perhaps at a much later time the artbook ( R3 R:Cubism ) could be scanlated by us.
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