Mardock Scramble is a canceled OVA anime adaptation of a novel by the animation company Gonzo Digimation. After seeing the trailer you may think of Last Exile. Natural for you to think of Last Exile because Yasufumi Soejima was the director along with other similar staff. This unfinished anime was put to an end after Gonzo was experiencing financial troubles in 2006, even though Mardock Scramble was suppose to be the anime to celebrate Gonzo’s 15 anniversary.
The story of the novels takes place in a city called Mardock. The past comes after the future and incredible technology becomes outlawed. Such technology and restrictions have begun to cause wars and violence. A young woman named Ruun Ballot becomes a target for hunters after a certain tech was deemed harmful and banned.
This anime switched from a television series to a DVD release after being announced couple years before. Already a poor sign. This anime must have had much money put into it as well. Either costs for the quality were really high or there was a lack of direction.