• Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008
So it’s been awhile since my last post, and I thought that today I would try something different since I am putting together my most expensive, and complex gundam yet. I, for once, am going to a semi step-by-step sorta deal. When i’m all done i’ll give it a quick review/overview so it’ll be a 2 in 1 post. So here we go. Oh, and please ignore the stuff in the background haha. I took these at 2am and this is the most level part of my room for showing things off due to my height. So yeah ignore all the boxes and Kodomo no Jikan stuff.

This is what I am putting together. The Perfect Grade Strike Gundam. What is a perfect grade you may ask? (if you care haha). Well to my knowlege the grading of Gundam kits goes as such. Ungraded, High Grade (1/144 scale generaly, sometimes 1/100), Master Grade (usualy 1/100), Perfect Grade (1/60). They are the top end of the Gundam model spectrum and as such also require the most work, and most paitence to complete. If you so wish, it is very easy to put together a Master Grade gundam in around 8 hours give or take. That’s usualy how long it takes me. Perfect grade Gundams (and i’m going on what other people have said, as I havn’t finished one yet) is that they take a few DAYS to finish as the sheer number of parts is so high. As an example of what I mean, I would estimate the number of parts in an MG kit would be around 200. PG Kits have over 560 minimum. Some up to 800. Now, lets begin with this thing.
Day 1
So I woke up and got started straight away. I took the parts I needed for the legs (working in reverse order than im used to, which is a good thing. you work your way up from the feet) and feet and sprayed them out in the yard. No photos of that because after all, whats so special about runners (plastic that holds the parts together) on a clothes line? Nothing. Unfortunately due to being out of stock, I don’t have any spraypaint for the red, blue or yellow sections of this kit (Next Day Edit – They have come into stock once more, so i’ve ordered a ton and they arrive in 2 mondays time) That is going to be a bit of disapointment but since this is my first attempt at actualy spraying and inking a gundam perhaps it’s better I try my hand at it first. So I finished the foot in around 10 min. Nothing special really except the sheer size of this guy’s foot compaired to the 1/100 MG scale kits is massive.

See? Besides the obvious fact my photoshop and photography skills suck, thats almost double the size. About an hour later I had the leg finished. Again nothing too special. What I love about this leg though is that so many things move when you do the simplest thing like bend the knee. Now I see why there are so many parts

Ignore the fact it looks like I have nail polish on (spray paint SUCKS to get off your nails without metho or something). Say mabye 10 – 20 min later I had the entire thing finished. Next up was to apply the stickers (no decals, buu. thats crap, I don’t like stickers) and ink the leg. Here is the finished product. Sorry, best I could do so late at night.

All day and I have 2 whole legs to show for my effort. Man this is going to be 1 huge Gundam. More to come when I am able to continue.
Next Day Edit – Ok so I’m not able to continue today because it seems its raining and i may very well run out of spray paint for this guy. After spraying both legs (only small cans mind you) I may have enough for mabye 1 or 2 runners but thats about it I think. So this may be put on hold until 2 mondays away when my next shippment of spray arrives. Joy T.T
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