• Monday, July 27th, 2009

No, this isn't the reason I'm broke. Though I wish it was.
Oh geez, I never thought it would happen to me, but it’s finally happened. I’m broke. My mother needed a large sum of money to pay off her debt and ensure that my two older sisters survive the next month without dying of starvation or alcohol poisoning. So I, being the generous son, gave her the entirety of my savings account. And as if preordained by the cosmos, my car chose this morning to decide to stop running as I made plans to go to the nearest Walmart and stock up on instant ramen for the next six months. So now it’s sitting in the parking lot as a $7,000USD paper weight and I’m stuck without a car for at least a good solid month until my next paycheck. What really bothers me though, is that I was planning on buying a WA-6SE for my meager headphone collection before all this went down. The stark reality that faces me now destroys all hope and optimism that I once held for this world.
As most of you already know, nearly 50% of my paycheck goes towards purchasing anime or manga; but now I will not be able to support the industry from the shadows like I have been doing. No more Kira Kira, no more imported manga, still no game consoles and all I come away with is a broken heart. And thus is the life of a messiah, I presume. Call me paranoid, but I believe this is karma for all the badmouthing I’ve done of Kyo-Ani.
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• Saturday, July 25th, 2009
For those of you who have not kept up with the fighting genre, you would be forgiven for having no clue what Blazblue is. It was created by Arc System of the famed Guilty Gear series and released last month for PS3 and 360. It has gotten nearly all positive reviews and I have yet to come across a bad one and after playing it about a week I can see why. So this is my overview/review of it.

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• Wednesday, July 15th, 2009

I can honestly say Saki is the only thing keeping me alive after Haruhi repeatedly stabs me in the face every week. Episode 15 was good for two reasons: One, the fukushou matches ended. Two, the taishou matches started. I guess the fact Momoko is so adorable could be a possible third reason, but I’d rather not bring my sexual drive into this since my opinion tends to get awfully skewed in the presence of charming ladies. That may be why I’m still single. more…
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• Sunday, July 12th, 2009
How do you reward all the ungrateful blisters who complained about Kyo-Ani’s untimely schedule, haruhi’s second season being repeatedly delayed, and about their latest lineup of crap being… well, just that–crap? How about an endless time loop episode where it keeps repeating itself over and over again every week for over a month?
Well, Kyo-Ani’s gone and done just that.
Thus is thy punishment for all who hath complaineth of K-ON! Thus is thy punishment for all who hath sleepeth through the CLANNADs. And thus is thy punishment for masturbateth on Lucky Star figurines.
This is a troll. I know, I can smell it. As my first grade colleagues like to phrase it, “Takes one to know one.” Hopefully this will wake people up and help them understand that Kyo-Ani’s former glory left the studio with Yutaka Yamamoto. Even if it’s true that the scenes are new, the episodes are still the same.
Now, if you will excuse me I will perma-ban Kyo-Ani from our forum for not only trolling the world, but more importantly, me.
Brought to you by: theTruth
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• Monday, July 06th, 2009
Now what’s the dealio with this latest concoction from those repugnant blisters over at Kyo-Ani? Episode two, three and four were all the same episode. Granted, there were different outfits and a few unanimated scenes in three and four that was not there in episode two, but essentially they are the same episode. I get that they are trapped in an infinite time loop and there’s some sort of significance to the number 15,500 which I will never understand… but are they seriously kidding me? more…
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• Sunday, July 05th, 2009
I was organizing my closet today and I stumbled upon volume five of Shoujo Fight. I was practically estatic as I had finished reading volume four about two months ago. I wasn’t aware I owned more. My happy schoolgirl squeals made it hard for me to read more than a few pages at a time, but once my spasms died down I just lay on my bed staring at the pretty cover. more…
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