I have a German friend, whom I will refer to as “ribbon”. Now ribbon and I see eye to eye on an intellectual level. We have long engaging talks through the night on topics ranging from the health of the American economy to which child star we would like to bang. However, he revealed to me on one such night a certain anime series he was looking forward to for the New Year, and now we are no longer friends.
But that’s not what I wanted to write. Yesterday, I told ribbon to watch an ONA called “Ontama” since I thought the show was fairly entertaining and cute. He looked it up on youtube and told me that it was a children’s show and that the girl was too young. I was taken aback by the statement “too young” because as far as I know, I don’t watch anime to get a stiffy. He explained to me that is the only reason he watches anime. And also why he loves K-on.
Now, how do these two off-tangent blurbs tie together? Well, the anime he was looking forward to for January 2010 is none other than So-Ra-No-Wo-To. I took it to be nothing more than K-on! with less tea-time and more hay rides. Ribbon sees it as more K-on with less music. Well, at least we agree that it’s going to be another K-on! On the other hand, perhaps we’re both wrong and it is actually something worth watching. Whatever.

You guys suck.
More importantly, one of my good friends from way back is going to jail for child porn. Let’s wish him luck, wherever the court trials lead him. If you liked K-on, then you’ll probably be joining him in a few years. Say hi for me, you sheeps.
Oh yes, by the way, I’ve done gone and bought me one of them fancy television sets. I now have a use for the PS3 sitting in my closet.
Yes, my room is that dark.