• Friday, June 22nd, 2012
Arcana Heart 3 never took off like I hoped and prayed it would. People were just too afraid of getting vanned.
So now I have to place my hopes on the next craze from Japan: Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena, also known as “P4U” for short. It is a collaboration between Atlus (Shin Megami Tensei, Digital Devil) and Arc System Works (Guilty Gear, BlazBlue) to milk the money train that is Persona.
I did not play Persona 4, but if it plays out like the Shin Megami Tensei series, then it’s probably a repetitive dungeon crawler. I don’t really care for the background of this animu fighter, but I like jumping on bandwagons, so I’ll pretend to be a Persona fanboy just long enough to work my penis into the pants of one of these annoying Persona fangirls.
[youtube]http://youtu.be/-VQYA-vPm9U[/youtube] [youtube]http://youtu.be/bXW6Y0b2d-M[/youtube]
Remember to pre-order your copy today! more…
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• Thursday, June 21st, 2012
So I lost all interest in posting here after losing that aniblog tourney. Or so I thought. The truth is, I just found better things to do, like catching up on old series and getting to the next level in competitive gaming. But only for today, I am back to highlight a great show called Queen’s Blade Rebellion. I remember not liking the first Queen’s Blade, and if you consider yourself of fine taste then you probably share the same sentiment.
If one was “man enough” to watch the first Queen’s Blade series in its entirety, then there really isn’t a need to explain why he should watch Queen’s Blade Rebellion. For the ones who were smart enough to watch the first episode and skip all the way to the second season, here’s one reason why you should watch it:

Legal Loli.
Finally, possibly for the first time in fantasy, we get treated to Dwarfs that do not resemble hobbits! They’re far less furry than the lawn gnomes that mine diamonds in your yard. I bet they taste positively divine… and the best part is that they are completely fucking legal. They are older than your mom; and possibly your grandma.
But let’s be honest here, half the reason I look forward to every episode is for a special guest appearance by an old Queen’s Blade competitor. So far, we have seen Claudette, Elena, Leina, Risty, Ymir, and most importantly:

Formerly an evil queen. Currently a loving housewife.
Aldra was freed of her demonic possession and thus lost her eternal child-like body. I am particularly not happy with that.
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• Tuesday, June 19th, 2012
Image bookmarking site Pinterest is a growing site where people add images from the web or computer to share into categories called boards. Users pin videos from the web to embed into Pinterest, like button images to save, or repin other pins into their own boards. Perfect place to show off favorites for those who enjoy collecting images they like. Anime and manga fandom is filled with imagery such as fan art, avatars, screenshots, posters, and cover art.
In addition to pinning of images and making boards for categorization:
- Allow other specific users to add pins to a board
- Embed codes for adding to webpages
- Language settings
- Shows pin source, other pins from the same site, and how the pin was added
- Activity window and emails to show interactions from others
- Gift area for shopping categorized by price
- Search for images, boards, or people
- Web browser and website Pin It buttons for easy and speedy pinning
- Browsing images loads more images to the page when scrolling down
- Set board cover instead of latest image
- Friend finding and invitations
- Follow users or their specific boards
Pinterest is similar to Twitter in that there is a stereotypical view on its usage. Twitter for the longest was seen as a site for people to announce what they were doing at every moment of the day. Twitter users can say to follow people that are of interest, but that would be useless if the other person is not open to seeing Twitter as a place for news, micro-blogging, or connecting with people and brands. Pinterest has a reputation by some for being to much about clothing, products, or fashion. If clothing and fashion are boring then it should be just as easy to say not to search for such pins or users and boards that pin such images.
The design of Pinterest is flashy and displays a lot without being cluttered. Similar sites like We Heart It, Gentlemint, and FFFFOUND! either are playing catch up or limit their use. We Heart It and Gentlemint both pander to specific genders and FFFFOUND! remains invite only.
A Twitter or Facebook account is required for registration and there is a brief open beta waiting list, but it is showing to be one of the fastest growing social networks.
Try it and be sure to follow me.
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• Monday, June 04th, 2012

Story starts with Amon, a kid with special powers that allow him to fly and talk to animals. His father is a weaponry inventor for a militant organization The Golden Snake, but one day that ends when the family decides to run away to prevent The Golden Snake from taking and using Amon. The father destroyed his research building and took off with his family until chased and killed leaving Amon a captured orphan. Amon hears a mythical voice warning him and learns of his power of flight when escaping the airship of his captors. He finds himself on an island where a bear tells a tale of ancient people with similar powers and meets a girl named Maria in a fisherman’s village. The Golden Snake’s reach is not far and an attack sends Amon and Maria fleeing to find a way to stop the destructive and growing empire.

The Boy Who Saw the Wind is based on a novel by a nature-loving environmentalist, actor, writer, and Japan resident C. W. Nicol. His passion pushes him to help preservation and restoration of Japan’s wildlife and environment, so already a comparison is possible between this and Hayao Miyazaki films. Many Miyazaki’s themes contain elements of folly, greed, and purity of nature similar to this movie. Unlike Miyazaki works or other family movies this one has gun fights, death, and is daring enough to have nudity without of course sexuality.
Animal characters are often supernatural with massive size, wisdom, and great age. A snake hangs over the neck of a past leader of The Golden Snake and is later shown as a shadow tempting a character to finish its work from many years ago. Villagers hunt large majestic fish for food and trade, but real life fish have decreased in size from overfishing.
The world is a mixture of early decades from the 1900s, tribal life, beautiful natural landscapes, and steampunk. Drawn animation by Brains Base complements the unique anime character designs and glorified nature is for sure welcome to a city dweller surrounded by cement. You will enjoy The Boy Who Saw the Wind if you also enjoy Princess Mononoke or Now and Then, Here and There.
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