Hey, an image to ask “what anime is this” with in the forum!
Normally delving deep into small changes and tweaks to the site would not be noticed or interesting, but this time there is enough. Other than layout fixes for the blog and forum, there are:
Anonymous Forum Posting – Guess who
Post anonymously with other users anonymous and not. There is a lot of fun to be had, so lets not get too crazy here. On the right there will some check boxes as you make a forum post or thread. Select “Post as anonymous.” Administrators and moderators however can look up the poster if it is required to enforce site guidelines and rules.
Recommendations and Answers – See for yourself
Find more anime, manga, and manhwa you like from whatever you give to help. You can even find anime you cannot remember the name of or what something is from artwork. The topic starter may select the correct or most helpful answer. The more details, examples, and preferences you give the better.
Link Directory Updates – Add some links
Top submitters, latest links, and popular links are all new. New categories include conventions, old anime websites, and member links. There were also some odd bugs that have been fixed.