
It's all politics, Tsukimi!
So my favorite anime of all time, for this month, will go to Kuragehime! This is possibly the funniest anime ever made, at this moment. The comedy actually makes me break out into bouts of laughter, and not in that ambiguous made-up sense that most bloggers talk of. Kuragehime features beautiful animation as its biggest selling point, which is unexpected coming from the lazy deadbeats over at Brain’s Base. The voice cast includes none other than my favorite voice actress of all time at the moment, Hanazawa Kana, as the lead heroine. I take it they chose her for her age… since she’s younger than me, but who isn’t nowadays?

It's Morphin' Time! Tyranosarus Rex! Mastadon! Teradactyl! Sabretooth! Triceratop!

It's amazing how far a simple wig will take you.
I don’t know about you, but I’d totally engage in “sexual intercourse” with Kuranosuke… if he were a real woman. Aw hell, maybe even if he wasn’t. But I’d have to be really really really drunk. Amen.
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