This trailer proves to be the only reason I waste 23 minutes every week watching K.
An anime series has never dripped with this much homosexuality since Sengoku Basara. I am sexually comfortable, so I can deal with blatant faggotry, but K is… how do I put it… special. That’s because every single character in this god-forsaken show is “DARK FLAME MASTER“.

The resemblance is uncanny.
In middle school there is a particular crowd of people who believe they have special powers or possess cursed magical items that make them different from the retarded normal people, aka “muggles” and “mundys”. They doodle on their arms, wear an eyepatch or a trenchcoat and talk in a manner befitting a member of the upper echelon of Hell. Good lord, I do remember someone like that…
Well, everyone in this show is far too old to be suffering from “middleschool-itis” yet they seem to have no problem spouting the lamest lines I have ever heard in broad daylight. I feel sorry for these voice actors.
Every scene depicts them doing something that just screams, “chuunibyou“.

Time and space shall bend to my will! Chuunibyou!

Go forth and devour, mein sword, Freyr! Chuunibyou!

To healthy people, this is just a marble; for the sick it’s the gateway into the soul! Chuunibyou!
God, I’m sick and tired of this crap. And the blatant faggotry is not helping.

Could you hold me even tighter?