Otherwise known as Bodacious Space Pirates, though I can only see two space pirates with any bodacious body parts, though I guess they’re not referring to the Oxford definition in this case.
First off, this anime has the worst opening theme I have heard in anime since 2002. Not only can the girls not sing, but the beat is off and highly grating. Whoever did the mastering on that track needs to be shot. I actually turned off the episode three times on three different attempts due to that opening theme before I finally steeled myself and fast-forwarded through the chapter-less episode. It is really a pity because the anime is actually not that bad. Apparently it was sung by some girl band that sucks at everything from dancing to singing.
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUoy582ePlQ[/youtube] Some of the world’s worst music comes from Japan.
Bodacious Space Pirates follows the life of high school girl, Katou Marika, who has inherited a legal pirate ship. As with most anime of this genre, she’s the last to learn of this and subsequently finds out two episodes later after everyone else, including the viewers has figured it out for themselves. As a matter of fact, several episodes later, Marika finds out everyone and their uncle, even the supporting characters who actually contribute nothing to the series, knows about her big secret. Big surprise.
Overall, I like space themed shows, and I like pirates, so this show has at least two things going for it. Once I figure out how madVR works, I might even have pictures.

I hate this girl's voice actress.

Pirate ships recruit out of high school, like the NBA and Boeing.
It seems like I’m forgetting someone… ah well, doesn’t matter.