What the heck is this crap?
So my friend laharl was kind enough to send a message my way that he’s discovered a software developer in Japan called minori, that has banned foreign ISPs from stealing the dirty images off their site. If you didn’t know, the Japanese version of Congress –something called diet pepsi– is going over or has already passed some new legislations that ban adult games from having any of the following: loli, schoolgirls, orgies, tentacles, guro, rape, beastiality, incest and everything else you’ve masturbated to for the past ten years. If you’re one of the few people that can still access that page without the use of proxies, then by all means feel free to go ahead and browse through their lineup of… well they don’t really have anything do they?
Let’s be honest here, who are they trying to fool? If you ask me, I think it’s a publicity stunt. Their games, as far as I remember, are below mediocre and spend quite a bit of time around an area called boring as shit. I see no other reason for them to block foreigners from seeing the terribly offensive school girl outfits and other generic gimmicks that make up the majority of their shitty titles. So of course, are they really in a position to be attempting this? Yes. If there is an ulterior motive behind it, something I like to consider jumping on the political bandwagon. I notice search queries for minori games on certain p2p’s are going up, and if internet averages are a microcosm of the world then this whole stunt may be proving beneficial for these guys.
Anyways, it seems minori isn’t the only one to try this… But why does it seem like only people that have developed really boring games like Wind ~a breath of heart~ are the ones who have the audacity to say, “go away foreigners”? I mean as far as I know, most of the software developers whose games I actually enjoy still have their traffic open for raping by foreign devils; and as far as I give a shit, this suits me just fine.
In more important news, Ed McMahone, Michael Jackson, and Farrah Fawcett all died today. It is also coincidently my sister’s birthday. So without further ado, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SIS!
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