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• Saturday, July 07th, 2012

The beginning of EVOLUTION 2012 started out with a bang, with the announcement that Persona 4: Arena for the PS3 will be region-locked.

Since the article I linked to is just too wordy, I’ll copy and paste the important bits.

[…] we are not doing this out of malice or a desire to control.
The decision to region-lock P4 Arena was a business one, […]
[…] the dramatic difference between the Yen and the Dollar makes
for a dramatic difference in price.

 Indeed, the reason for region-locking was not out of malice or a desire to control. It was simply an innocent act wrought from harmless greed. God bless capitalism!


• Friday, June 22nd, 2012

Arcana Heart 3 never took off like I hoped and prayed it would. People were just too afraid of getting vanned.

So now I have to place my hopes on the next craze from Japan: Persona 4: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena, also known as “P4U” for short. It is a collaboration between Atlus (Shin Megami Tensei, Digital Devil) and Arc System Works (Guilty Gear, BlazBlue) to milk the money train that is Persona.

I did not play Persona 4, but if it plays out like the Shin Megami Tensei series, then it’s probably a repetitive dungeon crawler. I don’t really care for the background of this animu fighter, but I like jumping on bandwagons, so I’ll pretend to be a Persona fanboy just long enough to work my penis into the pants of one of these annoying Persona fangirls.

[youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]

Remember to pre-order your copy today! more…

• Thursday, June 21st, 2012

So I lost all interest in posting here after losing that aniblog tourney. Or so I thought. The truth is, I just found better things to do, like catching up on old series and getting to the next level in competitive gaming. But only for today, I am back to highlight a great show called Queen’s Blade Rebellion. I remember not liking the first Queen’s Blade, and if you consider yourself of fine taste then you probably share the same sentiment.

If one was “man enough” to watch the first Queen’s Blade series in its entirety, then there really isn’t a need to explain why he should watch Queen’s Blade Rebellion. For the ones who were smart enough to watch the first episode and skip all the way to the second season, here’s one reason why you should watch it:

Legal Loli.

Finally, possibly for the first time in fantasy, we get treated to Dwarfs that do not resemble hobbits! They’re far less furry than the lawn gnomes that mine diamonds in your yard. I bet they taste positively divine… and the best part is that they are completely fucking legal. They are older than your mom; and possibly your grandma.

But let’s be honest here, half the reason I look forward to every episode is for a special guest appearance by an old Queen’s Blade competitor. So far, we have seen Claudette, Elena, Leina, Risty, Ymir, and most importantly:

Formerly an evil queen. Currently a loving housewife.

Aldra was freed of her demonic possession and thus lost her eternal child-like body. I am particularly not happy with that.

• Sunday, May 27th, 2012

You're so much bigger than my old boyfriend.

And this is why I always tell my friends to keep their girlfriends on a leash.

I wish I was making this up…

• Monday, May 14th, 2012

I will tell you why we lost.
Not enough people voted for us.
Not enough people voted for us, enough times.
I at least know I voted three times.

A security issue with Polldaddy is the reason we sit at a whopping eighty-four votes today.

Thank goodness, I feel so much better with that weight off my chest.

• Friday, May 11th, 2012

Just where is the love?

It’s time for a paradigm shift. There’s just too much negative energy going around, and I think it’s about time I change my stance. I am going to stop hating anime. It’s just so easy to bash a series on pure conjectures rather than defend a worthless anime on its positive aspects. I admit I fell victim to this lazy writing style before I even realized it, and now all my posts are just so full of hate. I used to be the guy who couldn’t give an anime a thumbs down. Now I hate series based on the color of underwear I am wearing that day.

Pink with polka dots? Clearly not worth my time.

I remember a time when I was just a wee lad arguing with my friends about which Shonen Jump series was the best anime ever made. Ah, those were the times… I used to have this belief that no matter how boring or ridiculous an anime is, I would watch it to the end regardless of personal feelings or opinions. The only justification for this tremendous waste of time was to conclude that whatever I had just seen must be the greatest anime ever made. This made things complicated, because I was forced to do research and assign blame to individual members of the production staff for each minutia of detail that reduced the release from its potential perfect score. Then I compiled a list of its pros to reinforce my conviction on why it was a great anime. From there, I would head to school the next morning, armed with my wealth of useless knowledge to do battle with my potential opponents in the area behind the school reserved for the bottom rungs of high school social strata.


One anime changed all this: Azumanga Daioh.

Watch this by yourself in a closet.

Azumanga Daioh, in all objectiveness, is a work of art. The animation is superb for a series made up of short minimalist characters. The setting was at the time a rarity: short skits and situation comedy. The gags are original and highly cultured, setting a precedence which many series imitate to this day. The voice actors fit their individual characters to a tee. The staff was full of fresh progressive individuals full of energy and enthusiasm, bringing ideas to the table which many anime still exploit. But for the life of me, I just can’t like this anime, and I have no fucking clue why.

Unfortunately, I haven’t learned my lesson, so rather than review anime calmly and neutrally, I will begin to do the complete opposite of what I have done so far. I will treat every anime as they were meant to be treated: with absolute ardor. I intend to become a weeaboo, and love everything I watch, regardless of how much I hate it. All my articles hereon will be from the other side of the fence. Ciao.