• Friday, March 11th, 2011

I’m about three months late in writing a post about Puella Magi Madoka Magica. I was looking forward to this show since its announcement, mostly because I’m a huge magical girl nerd; and partly because it’s from SHAFT. The first episode did not seem special, if you would allow me the shame of admitting. Even though the music was great, and Yuki Kajiura alone used to be enough incentive for me to stick with crappy shows for entire seasons– Let’s face it, I have a job and a real life. What saved the show from a quick termination on my hard drive was thanks to one thing and one thing only: the flintlock muzzle loaders.

Having stuck with this show for ten episodes, I did something I haven’t done in nearly a year now: I went back and started watching from episode one. This show has great rewatchability. All that I have learned from the episodes to come highlight details that went unnoticed during my first watch through. Now that everything makes sense, it allowed me time for deeper analysis. Before long, I was taking down notes for a future thesis I will never get around to write. This show is a step-up from the other crap I’ve been wasting my time with as of late.

Caution: Puella Magi Madoka Magica is depressing and Cubey is a dick.
So far there are no blatant plot holes I can’t explain away with magic. Take it how you will, but I’m real enough to think that means this show is gold. Time to buy the Blu-Ray.
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• Monday, February 21st, 2011
So all I have come to understand from this movie is that the cast of Fresh Precure! are the strongest and most talented fighters out of all the useless Precures that riddle this godforsaken Precure universe. Every other scene features the supposed “main characters” falling into another plot hole filled knee high with bull crap. And when all hope seems lost, Fresh Princ– I mean Precures show up from God-Knows-Where to sit on their thrones as the Queens of Bel-Air.

Stupid, all you had to do was lift.
In the end, all Heartcatch Precure has going for it is Mizuki Nana’s voice. I really wish Japan would hurry up with another Nanoha movie, instead of wasting her talent on crap like this.
Oh, by the way, monsters made of DARKNESS places first on the chart of laziness.

In glorifying 3D!
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• Saturday, December 18th, 2010


It's all politics, Tsukimi!
So my favorite anime of all time, for this month, will go to Kuragehime! This is possibly the funniest anime ever made, at this moment. The comedy actually makes me break out into bouts of laughter, and not in that ambiguous made-up sense that most bloggers talk of. Kuragehime features beautiful animation as its biggest selling point, which is unexpected coming from the lazy deadbeats over at Brain’s Base. The voice cast includes none other than my favorite voice actress of all time at the moment, Hanazawa Kana, as the lead heroine. I take it they chose her for her age… since she’s younger than me, but who isn’t nowadays?

It's Morphin' Time! Tyranosarus Rex! Mastadon! Teradactyl! Sabretooth! Triceratop!

It's amazing how far a simple wig will take you.
I don’t know about you, but I’d totally engage in “sexual intercourse” with Kuranosuke… if he were a real woman. Aw hell, maybe even if he wasn’t. But I’d have to be really really really drunk. Amen.
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• Monday, December 13th, 2010
So if Accelerator has enough calculating abilities to reflect light particles from hitting his hair and skin, why is it that he can’t deflect a simple splash of water?

I'm sure this is duly explained in the light novels.
Also, if my memories of doujinshi serve me well, then I recall this is about the part where Last Order rapes him, and schlicks his essence all over her striped panties?
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• Sunday, December 12th, 2010

Mizuno sings along happily to the tune of summer, casually stealing a ride on the bus.
Star Driver may be full of pretty boys and gay little robots, but don’t let the blatant faggotry turn you away from this hidden jewel. Like the taut nipples of a pubescent teenager pushes through the wet shirt of social morals, Star Driver ignites the burning fires in the hearts of every youth. After all, only a hot-blooded man can understand the heart-throbbing desires of another man.

Like most anime, the more serious moments occur in the bath tub.
So other than twins, and hot girls with jiggly breasts, what else does this anime offer its viewers? Well, assuming they are not into lame comedy and ballads, then I’m hoping they’re not expecting solid story-telling and quick progression. You basically have to accept Star Driver for what it is: a masterpiece.

Even Marina understands how epic her show is.
Oh, and happy birthday to me.
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• Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

If only she could apply her talents to something useful.
Shinryaku! Ika Musume by Masahiro Anbe is about a squid girl from the sea who invades the landmass of Earth. The end.
As pitiful as it is to admit, Squid Girl is indubitably the only serious anime on the air. Dealing with environmental issues that ring close to home, Squid Girl has children giving their trash a second glance in between the laughs and giggles, or moans depending how old you are. Japan’s treatment of their ocean is simply atrocious. I have never seen another port that allows you to pump sanitary waste straight into the harbor. One would also have to consider the amount of trash an island housing 120 million people must produce. It’s not surprising so much of it ends up in the ocean.
Japan, is also known by zookeepers around the world for having the strangest tastes in pets. Turning the city of Tokyo upside down and shaking would unearth a wider range of species than the continent of Africa. So perhaps to the average audience, this adorable depiction of a captured rare species being duly abused and exploited is just clever fun and game. However, know that it is happening all around you; and possibly closer than you think.
So how is it possible a gag comedy churns out pressing world issues and satirize human ignorance in five minutes clips, whereas other series waste fourteen episodes having accomplished nothing? I don’t really know, but at this point I really don’t care. Even when Squid Girl is wasting her time doing absolutely nothing, she fills every minute with drama and cuteness. I find myself crying with her at the end of every episode. I may be crazy for empathizing with an animated squid girl, but we all know I’m not.

The saddest scene in anime this season, for many reasons.
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