• Tuesday, January 08th, 2008
Shin Megami Tensei may have another game. Rumors point to the Playstation 3. Other big names in gaming include Call of Duty 5 and Silent Hill V.
Yu Yabuuchi’s Naisho no Tsubomi manga will be adapted to an anime and will air on Japanese airwaves Apirl 25th.
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• Saturday, January 05th, 2008
People ask why anime or what makes it popular. Just ask yourself why, then why again when you create an answer. My answer was that it’s surreal and unworldly. Anime is able to pull things off that you can’t do in live action or television, while not looking silly or B movie like. Style and the fact that an anime doesn’t have to explain itself like science fiction. Two other aspects that seperates anime from other media is the strong focus on music. Looking at day time and evening shows, there’s little music and it plays a very small role if there is. The second, is how often you see characters on roof tops or very high structures. Being symbolic, random, and giving an epic feel makes up for the lack of plot focus. Because anime is animation, almost any type of movie or show that has people can be animated. More variety and more soul.
The video game Tales of Vesperia will feature work from the anime company Production IG, but it hasn’t been announced what consoles it’ll be for. The official site had Xbox 360 in the meta tags. Ooops.
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• Thursday, January 03rd, 2008
Turn A Gundam, an old 1999 Gundam anime that has never landed anywhere other than Japan. If you ask a veteran of the series, they would likely say that the older series of the franshise have better plot, development, and greatly likeable characters. Just look at Loran Cehack, the main character is wide eyed character full of life. Turn A Gundam is also one of the last Gundam directed works of Yoshiyuki Tomino, so because of that, many fans may say that the franchise should have ended at this series.

It’s unlikely Bandai will ever publish it, same with Gundam ZZ, Gundam V, Gundam X, and the other OVA’s, manga, or moives. They’re old, fanboys already watched them, won’t likely sell well in the US, and some even didn’t appeal well to Japan’s audiences, for example, one had more human like mech designs. Gundam is fairly known, but not that popular. With Gundam Seed’s poor CG animation, poor dubbing, Hisashi Hirai character designs, and emo characters that lead to awkward animated .gif images, it only hurts.

Maybe Turn A Gundam wasn’t lisenced because of the nude swim part in the first episode.
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• Thursday, December 20th, 2007
From pirate style to ones for eye infections, it’s what makes characters in anime and manga like Air Gear, Venus Versus Virus, Jubei-chan, Rental Magica, and Loveless. Favorites being Agito + Akito from Air Gear, move the medical patch over and you’re a new person. Love the mystery from them. Those two stringed eye patches like in Air Gear something good to wear at school or work. Great convo generator. Saw someone who threw keys into someone’s eye, so much fun making fun of the person with anime references.
Thrid season for Zero no Tsukaima was announced, discuss here.
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• Thursday, December 06th, 2007
Rental Magica has the cliche of the detective agency that goes out to odd jobs. Someone acquires a business card, visits their pad, and begs for help. The animation is hard to enjoy. They used far too much blur during parts where there’s a lot of movement and to take attention away from areas that lack detail. The cast of characters lack emotion and character to where you won’t likely remember many of the names of them. If you passed this series, don’t bother looking back.
Rental Magica’s Ren Nekoyashiki, the executive director and smarty. He has a softer but very close close character design as Gin bellow.

Gin Ichimaru of Bleach. The guy with the eyes and really wide mouth.

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• Saturday, December 01st, 2007
Not far from now will be the addition of new CurrentAir Anime forums for the winter season of 2008. If you have any requests for new forums for such, try this thread.
Blahsoft recently scanlated and released chapter 17 of volume two of Doujin Work. They picked up the manga well before the anime was announced. Not a series you’d expect to be adapted.
Devil May Cry – Level 1 DVD is set to be released in the US Feb 5th of next year.
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