Tag-Archive for ◊ Rental Magica ◊

• Thursday, December 06th, 2007

Rental Magica has the cliche of the detective agency that goes out to odd jobs. Someone acquires a business card, visits their pad, and begs for help. The animation is hard to enjoy. They used far too much blur during parts where there’s a lot of movement and to take attention away from areas that lack detail. The cast of characters lack emotion and character to where you won’t likely remember many of the names of them. If you passed this series, don’t bother looking back.

Rental Magica’s Ren Nekoyashiki, the executive director and smarty. He hasĀ a softer but very close close character design as Gin bellow.
Rental Magica
Gin Ichimaru of Bleach. The guy with the eyes and really wide mouth.
Bleach anime

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