• Saturday, December 20th, 2008

Project ICE is a science fiction OVA with a possible hint of yuri. It came out 2007, but it seems it’s already forgotten. This anime could have been so much more, but there’s a constant feeling that the story was meant to be more. That feeling of being unfinished and limited is why you’ll never read many positive views about Project ICE.

Project ICE

So there’s three episodes that lead up to a confusing Neon Genesis Evangelion like ending. Some tragic event lead to human males to die out, but it wasn’t completely told or talked about. Bioterrorism and genetic engineering were possible so…make of that as you wish. With that said you know men were blamed for creating wars. Right about now you’re asking why is there action in this anime then? The surviving women cluster together and still deal with such threats. Then humanity decides engineering is the only since there’s no way for children to be born.

What happens afterward and the fall apart really deserves it’s own thoughts. The very being (or tool) that is created to save humanity is also a weapon and a virus of thought. Without fully spoiling it I can say it’s big and able to destroy everything.

Characters and animation are a bit mixed. None of the characters will grow on you and several were either annoying or poorly voice acted. There were some fairly impressive long distance shots of various events and the character design styled changed often. Expect anything from Revolutionary Girl Utena, shoujo, to a much more serious look. Hiromi reminds me of Kaze from Final Fantasy Unlimited, but at least she talks. Both of them have a cape, carry a fancy gun, and an eye patch.

Oh, hey. Final Fantasy Unlimited was like ICE in where you didn’t have enough budget. More images under the cut!

Project ICE

Project ICE

Category: Anime Coverage
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