• Tuesday, October 28th, 2008

Anime and manga reviews are quite common. The more popular series get the most and smaller series sometimes get really passionate reviewers. A good example of this would be solanin which was linked on Manga Blog to this review. This review and ones like it stick with someone. Good (in this case manga) reviews give information about the volume they read, style, and descriptive points about the story. A good review also is honest and don’t give pointless scores or grades. Oh hey, this manga is scored .3 points more than this. Buy it! Not having such an silly system tacked on to the end is what made Newtype USA reviews great. They tapped in to the hearts of people who would be interested in that franchise. If someone wouldn’t like something then chances are they wouldn’t get more than half way into the review. Other then that a reviewer should work on descriptions. Just saying an anime or manga looks great won’t make a lot of people buy something. If only becoming skilled at such was easier said then done.

The one thing to remember about reviews before moving on: They’re almost always of a series the reviewer really hated or loved. Why write when you have no connection or care of something?

Crediting of sources (graphic, information, or other) is another issue. Many times on sites like LiveJournal or forums you have people crediting the wrong person or a large site without crediting. Saying you have image stock from Photobucket, 4chan, or some awful manga reader site. The online reader site is obviously wrong to credit when they did nothing with the scanning or translation. Thanking an image hosting site isn’t giving any thanks to the person who created whatever fanart, artbook scan, or screenshot. As for large sites like Anime News Network or others…people thought out and typed those descriptions. >:3

These should be the basics, but maybe once and a while something like this should be mentioned or discussed. Never hurts.

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