I’m about three months late in writing a post about Puella Magi Madoka Magica. I was looking forward to this show since its announcement, mostly because I’m a huge magical girl nerd; and partly because it’s from SHAFT. The first episode did not seem special, if you would allow me the shame of admitting. Even though the music was great, and Yuki Kajiura alone used to be enough incentive for me to stick with crappy shows for entire seasons– Let’s face it, I have a job and a real life. What saved the show from a quick termination on my hard drive was thanks to one thing and one thing only: the flintlock muzzle loaders.

Having stuck with this show for ten episodes, I did something I haven’t done in nearly a year now: I went back and started watching from episode one. This show has great rewatchability. All that I have learned from the episodes to come highlight details that went unnoticed during my first watch through. Now that everything makes sense, it allowed me time for deeper analysis. Before long, I was taking down notes for a future thesis I will never get around to write. This show is a step-up from the other crap I’ve been wasting my time with as of late.

Caution: Puella Magi Madoka Magica is depressing and Cubey is a dick.
So far there are no blatant plot holes I can’t explain away with magic. Take it how you will, but I’m real enough to think that means this show is gold. Time to buy the Blu-Ray.