Tag-Archive for ◊ Yatterman ◊

• Sunday, March 08th, 2009

Yatterman is a new Japanese live action based on the 1970s anime which will be directed by Miike Takashi. Hopefully this movie won’t be passed up by too many. Last year there was a remake of the old series to make it modern and appeal to modern audiences. It went unlicensed and is already forgotten by Western viewers. Peronalities were altered and other changes happened, but that’s to be expected in a retelling of the story. With the Yatterman live action will be filled with action, but will remain fairly clean like the anime. It aired in theaters just yesterday.

Basic story of the Yatterman franchise is of heroes and villaians fighting for their wishes and for pieces of the Skull Stone. The Skull Stone is a special stone that was spread out across the world, which is believed to be able to lead one to gold. This live action will focus more on a love story where the various characters battle.

I don’t know, but there’s a big mecha dog and the logo for the movie reminds me underwear or panties.

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