It’s that time of the year again.
I won’t waste time reviewing this anime. If you’ve never heard of it, then you’ll never watch it. Frankly, it’s probably best that you don’t. This is one of those cheap ideas that lack any and all novelty, but still get bought up by lonely men who want to relive a period of their life spent being miserable — except in a softer-toned sunshine environment. What was I talking about?
One day, I had given up on life and decided to end my day with a bucket of ice cream and this anime. The content of the show was passable and almost enjoyable, save for the jarring headache-inducing singing; but the real highlight of Love Live! is found in the faces of the teenage idols themselves. Japanese animation is oftentimes regarded as cheap and low quality, due in part to a limited variation of facial expressions. Some studios such as Kyoto Animation have done their utmost to undo years of damage inflicted by its studio brothers. Unfortunately their selection of unrealistically beautiful fake Live-Action Roleplaying The Animated Series™ have done little to sway public opinions.
So the animation world needs Sunrise’s Love Live! to help garner what little respect they can muster from a demographic that would willingly watch trash like Love Live! If you have plans to continue this path into the world of anime that ultimately ends at a brick wall in hell, then by all means continue and enjoy the various expressions that made even the illest gangsta alive (THAT’S ME) crack a smile.

The anime starts off pretty tame.

Nothing but shifty eyes here.

All cereal. No fun.


That must have been an outsourced frame.

Haha. So very standard.


Oh, good. We’re back to normal.

What is going on?


Fuck. I can’t keep this children friendly!

Wrong hooooole!

Oh good. This cliff saved us.

You can’t kill off the main character this early.

My meth ran out. My meth…

None of you bitches are idols!

That’s for me to decide!


I just peed myself!
They say a picture can say a thousand words, except if it’s anime then you need a thousand pictures for a hundred words. Still, this is a steady improvement over the shitty animating shortcuts employed by thousands of studios to this day. I now hand the mic back to you, Kurt.