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• Wednesday, February 04th, 2009

Update: As it turns out the so called announcement was a rather cruel play on words. Due to the rather open nature of the original air date, this only refers to a RERUN of the original anime series. Perhaps when that is completed they will air the continuing series. 

Just a small post to let everyone know that hasn’t already heard. The long overdue and awaited Haruhi season 2 will apparently begin airing in april.  However which april, this or next, is still left open for discussion. The news comes from a comercial for anime mag Newtype, which sports a “TV anime broadcasts commence in April” on the front cover. More will be known and updated on when the mag itself drops on the 10th of february. 

• Sunday, February 01st, 2009

Since the current amount of shows I am following is only around 2 or 3, I thought that mabye there are some of interest to people that have been missed, or not heard of. I’ll try to go by genre to help speed things along.


Claymore – A show that is based around female demon hunters who are themselves half demon. Plenty of action, awesome fight scenes coupled with some very pretty visuals and a nice style to top it all off. As you can see from the picture below when the women use their demon powers their eyes turn yellow and cat like. The more power the use, the closer they become to turning into a demon themselves. Interesting no? If you’re a fan of this genre then this should be the first to check out on your list

Illena, Noel & Sophia fighting Terasa of the Faint Smile; my favorite character

Hellsing Ultimate – Hellsing has had a rather akward past when it comes to its animated version. While the original series was rather… ok… it was just so different from the manga that it never really sat well with me. Even back when I had never read any of the story and the final “villian” was as interchangable as a pair of clean underwear. Hellsing Ultimate fixed this and attempts to follow the manga a tad more closely. By which I mean sticks pretty damn close to (I assume, I only have the first 3 manga) Anyway each new OVA, 2 of which are apparently released each yeah, seems to condense roughly 2 books worth of material so It moves rather fast which is good. Again it has greaty quality, wonderful voice acting (japanese I mean of course) and a very distinct style to it that should be seen by all. Only thing is that it has a fair bit of blood in it so may not be suitable for youngens. 

Rather big visual upgrade from when this was in the first series huh?


• Saturday, January 31st, 2009


As some of you may remember 1 of my first posts was a write up about the Visual Novel/game Clannad. Since then i’ve made a few other posts about random mechandise from the show, a new series has come out and have never really watched it again. That new series of course being the After Story which follows the tales of the same characters straight away after the end of Clannad, and continuing for rougly 10 years (at least in the game).  I’ve avoided the new series of After Story because like my original reason for not finishing the 1st series, I know how it ends and…

  • I don’t want to watch anymore epic sad shows. Clannad is full of them, especialy the after story
  • Having finished the VN, I don’t want the endings ruined by the show. 

Don’t get me wrong though, despite the arguably wierd character looks, Kyoto Animation are pretty damn true to the story and have done a phenominal job with the series. So after avoiding close to 22 episodes of content I heard that Episode 16 is the turning point in the show. Boy were they right. This episode was the reason I never played the After Story in the game. What is the big deal you may ask? Well if you’re a softie like me then it’s just very upsetting to see such a good character die. 

“Bwahaha, you wuss, whats the big deal? People die in anime all the time” That is true. Well done stating the obvious but that isn’t what I mean. Usualy in those shows she characters are not really likable, or they are murdered by someone; be it by fighting or what not. No. Nagisa dies a very rare death in anime, and that is a very emotional one due to her character always being rather weak and having an illness. Add that to her dying while giving birth and you have a maelstrom of of emotion and touching tv. Good thing I never followed the series more of I would of cried during this scene. Whats the bet it made many people do exactly that?

Sorry for the whiteness of the caps. That whole part of the episode is very light and the quality of the show itself isn’t exactly high def.

Kyoto Animation are just brilliant and displaying emotion in their characters

Little baby Ushio

Nagisa fading

Tomoya Notices Nagisa has died

R.I.P Nagisa

• Monday, January 26th, 2009

When I first heard about this needless to say I was quite extatic as this is quite possibly my favorite anime i’ve seen. It’s cute as hell, real funny, has lolis and a perv of an older character. What more could you want? Well judging from the look of these pictures that I capped, a new production crew. They have managed to take the most simplistic and loveable art work and turn it arse up.

 Yeah, I know what you’re thinking

 Trying to force out a poo?

While Chika and Miu look downright wrong, at least Matsuri (my fav) and Nobue look somewhat decent still. I’m really not a fan of this new style but i’ll take whatever they want to make because I love the series. Oh and incase you’re wondering, no I don’t like Ana 1 bit as her voice is like nails on a chalk board to me so I can’t be bothered capping a picture of her. She is more or less the same as she was in the 1st series.

 Aww she’s just so damn cute!

 Yeah, the internet will make you do that occasionaly

Really? They ditched Barasui’s wonderful style infavor of a Manabi Straight approach? Seriously, when something has been proven to work why do people immedialy think “LETS CHANGE IT“. IT WORKED THE FIRST TIME, DON’T ATTEMPT TO IMPROVE WHAT IS BRILLIANT.

Thankfully these pictures are just a few from the 30 min show and thank GOD they aren’t all like that. See? Nobue looks almost exactly the same as she did in her first appearance.

At least it isn’t all bad and there are 2 more episodes to come yet. Now if Barasui can just disown this company and go back to the original we’ll be all set

• Wednesday, January 14th, 2009

I’ve heard about this game before while browsing certain crevices on the internet and never really understood or took the time to learn about this game. Yes this is another Visual Novel write up much like my old Clannad one. However unlike clannad, the whole story is pretty devoid of any humor and fun to make way of a pretty dark theme along with a few adult scenes. If you are disturbed eaisly then this isn’t the review or even game for you as there are some images within that may be creepy to younger viewers. I’ll give you a moment to see if you really want to read on or not…


• Friday, January 02nd, 2009

Capped this from the newly arrived DJ Max Trilogy game I ordered…

telling me something?

I don’t think I have to say much more. Oh and this game rocks. Get it.