• Friday, June 26th, 2009

While most hip young people were masturbating to comics by Tamaoki Benkyou back in the early 21st century, I was eating through my family’s collection of Chef Boyardee from post-Y2K scare like crazy and accumulating needless amounts of energy that I needed to waste on something… anything. It was actually 4 years after that when I of course stumbled across TAGRO-sensei.

Now, I’ve read weird shit before, but none that I could actually get hard on. TAGRO was different. His disgusting comics about four-breasted girls, puke masturbation, rape and other such hilarity really met my fancy. It also helped that all the characters look like cracked-out pokemons. When his childish series Sargassoh finished its run in Gan Gan, I was depressed. I wasn’t too fond of Himawari! so I left that before I even started. So when I saw his name appear once more on Amazon, I of course had to get it.

Do you like ecchi? Do you like weird shit? Then, go for it.

Do you like ecchi? Do you like weird shit? Then, go for it.

HEN-Zemi appears to be a revision of a short story he wrote back in 2004 by the same name, albeit the full version, Hentai Seiri Zeminaru, or Abnormal Physiology Seminar.

Don't be confused, just don't get this one.

Don't be confused, just don't get this one.

As you already know, the title is sort of a pun. Hentai can mean pervert, but in this case it stands for abnormality. While seiri does stand for ‘physiology’, it can also stand for the menstruation cycle. Now on to the point: Hen-zemi is a sociology class that focuses on unique sexual behaviors in homo sapiens. The main character, Matsutaka Nanako, is the only ordinary person in the entire world; and for good reason too, she finds sex weird! It features a whacky cast of character who all have serious issues and problems; just to cite some examples: Komugi-kun, who Nanako for some unknown reason yearns for, likes to steal panties from porches, eat fecal matter and has a cuckold fetish. He loans his girlfriend out to his friend while he peeps in from the window. Now what if I told you that all this was toned down from the original?

Now how adorable is that?

Now how adorable is that?

That’s Mizukoshi from the new book. The original Mizukoshi did shit like this.

What do you plan to do with that?

What do you plan to do with that?

Doing what all girls do...

Doing what all girls do...

You see what I mean? If not, then by all means ignore me. And yes, I did edit those myself, that’s why they look so horrible. Also, be sure to keep this as far away from your local soccer mom as humanly possible. Since Hen-Zemi runs in Morning, it’s intended for a ‘mature’ target audience to begin with, but mothers probably will not understand. After all, comics are for children, right?

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One Response

  1. […] fourth volume of Hen-Zemi will come coupled with an OVA. That is, unless Kodansha is lying to me again. Regardless of the […]

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